sudo bssh `cat dbs | tr '\n' ','` 'df -h' > logs/disk_report.080806
Tuesday, August 08, 2006
Sunday, July 23, 2006
Managing Foreground and Background Jobs and Processes [32-40]
[32] To stop (not kill) a currently running job and return to shell, you can use
. [33] Then to view the stopped jobs during the current session
[34] To kill a stopped job number 2
kill -9 %2
[35] Check the status of processes in all sessions running by user frankly
ps -u frankly
[36] Kill a process by its process id (822)
kill -9 822
[37] Bring the job that was sent most recently sent to run in background to foreground
[38] Bring the background job with job id 2 to run in the foreground
fg %2
[39] Start running the most recently stopped job in the background
[40] Run a job in the background
to end of the command
Sunday, July 16, 2006
Copy MySQL tables between different hosts [31]
The following command will allow you to copy MySQL tables between different hosts
mysqldump -h ip -uuser -ppass from_db from_table | mysql -uuser -ppass target_db
Monday, June 19, 2006
Run a command on multiple MySQL hosts
cat /lists/dbs | while read i ; do echo $i; /path/to/mysql -h $i -e "SHOW variables like 'old%'"; done
This programming one liner allows you to run a command on multiple MySQL hosts. To use this command, simply create a file dbs with all the MySQL hosts (one per line). The sample command prints the value of whether the database is using old passwords.
Friday, March 10, 2006
IPCS remove semaphores
"HTTPD dead but PID exists", your disk space is either full or all IPCS semaphores have been used up.
ipcs -s | awk ' $3 == "apache" {print $2, $3}' | awk '{ print $1}' | while read i; do ipcrm sem $i; done
Clean up ipcs semaphores
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Remove blank / empty lines PHP [29]
function removeEmptyLines($string)
return preg_replace("/(^[\r\n]*|[\r\n]+)[\s\t]*[\r\n]+/", "\n", $string);
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
PHP clean filename
Clean a string for filename
`echo "$clean" | tr A-Z a-z | tr "[]()&~@#$%^&*()_+=;:,.!' " "-" `;
This programming one liner allows you to clean the unwanted characters in a string. The list of characters is specified as the first parameter to the tr command.
Programming "One Liner" lookup terms:
str_replace tr
If you would like more information on any of the commands, please feel free to contact me with your programming questions. You can also read other posts on programming code, lookup the programming terms displayed above or visit my network security blog. Other external programming blogs on Technorati and programming blogs on Google.