awk '/PATTERN/ {print "PATTERN FOUND"}' /var/awk_programming_test
This programming one liner allows you to search for PATTERN in awk_programming_test file. Once the pattern is found, the print statement is invoked .
AWK - Delete second column
Programming One Liner 26
awk ' BEGIN{FS=",";} { $2= ""; print}' /var/awk_programming_test
This programming one liner allows you to delete the second field in the specified CSV and the results are displayed on the screen. If the file /var/awk_programming_test had the following contents:
redhat,linux web server
fedora,linux web server
xp,windows dedicated server
windows 98,windows dedicated server
solaris,sun web server
Then invoking the one liner # 26 will produce the following results
windows 98
Programming "One Liner" lookup terms:
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